Withdrawal - library management:
A book may be withdrawn from collection/from the stock register and shelf list if:
• it is outdated
• worn out beyond repair
• found lost in stock verification
• damaged to the extent that it is unusable.
The library should have a policy statement spelling out suitable conditions and time schedule for withdrawal of books. The undermentioned steps have been suggested for effecting withdrawal:
To withdraw an item from the collection, first match the shelf list card to the item or its books card.
i) If shelf list indicates only one copy one of the two courses is open
- The item can be reordered
- The item can be discarded, in which case the entire set of catalogue card including the shelf list card must be discarded.
ii) If the shelf list .indicates more than one copy of the title, the record regarding the withdrawn copy may be, indicated on the main card/tracing section as "lost" "damaged", "withdrawn".