
With two or three examples of where the ar-drg had split to

Question: With two or three examples of where the AR-DRG had split to allow for patients of different age or complexity in the current version of AR-DRGs in use in Australia. given the nature of the UTS hospital''s patients.

Outline to the executives the implications of changing AR-DRG version

Stephen, D & Sharon, W. 2011, 4THedn ,'The Australian health care system'. Oxford University press, Australia.

I have chosen chapter 1 named ‘Frameworks for Analysis'.

This text is about the Australian health care system. Author has explained all types of system with inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes on health sector. Author evaluated the Australian health care system in terms of impact on equity, quality, acceptability and efficiency. And he showed a different model, principles of health service. So the understanding of this text is very easy to student. This is the strength of this text. In research sector this topic would be very helpful to understand Australian health care system.

This topic described the relation among need, demand, supply of health sector which is framed within a social and political context. To conduct a health service research it is important to consider social and political environment. When we focus on patients experiences about health service, we see that a variety of issues come out. Some patients are satisfied with health care services but some are not.

They can find a many lacking in health sector. In this topic , author described a successful model, design of health organisation and their services like health insurance, stakeholder and stewardship. He said this stewardship framework can change the shape of the overall health care system.so this description will meets the patient's needs.

Therefore it can be said that this topic is logical and well researched. And also it can be said that it is enough elaborate and have maintained a balance among different model, design and principle of health system.

Health sector model, design, problem and possible solution are described in this topic will help us to understand the whole picture of Australian health care system easily.

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Dissertation: With two or three examples of where the ar-drg had split to
Reference No:- TGS02260628

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