
With the increase of gangs

Do you feel that cell phones are necessary in the work place? My agency provides cell phones for many social workers; however, there are workers without county issued phones. As a social worker who is out in clients' homes on a regular basis I support the argument that a cell phone is a necessity...with the increase of gangs, drug infested neighborhoods, domestic violence etc. I can't imagine going into some areas without a cell phone. 

As a mother, I want to be able to get in touch with my children and have them be able to get in touch with me in case of emergencies. When my daughter attended senior week at the beach a few years back she had her first accident when another car ran a red light and slammed into her car. All she knew was call the police and call mom and dad. She was hysterical so we kept her on the phone until the police arrived (we arrived shortly after). A basic cell phone will do the job just fine. I feel, there is no need for a cell phone that does all the things that cell phones do today. So, why do we purchase such luxurious devices?

What cell phone applications do you feel are necessary for employer sponsored cell phones?

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Term Paper: With the increase of gangs
Reference No:- TGS062536

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