Assume you are able to save and invest nothing for the next two years, but by that time will have $5,000 to invest. You invest it into a tax-deferred account paying 4% compounded daily. Then you again have nothing to invest for another two years, at which time you add another $5,000 of your after-tax dollars. After leaving the balance invested for another three years, you manage to add a full $10,000; and you are able to add another $10,000 three years after that. Finally, you leave all your funds in the account for another decade, but this time consistently adding $2,000 at the end of each year over that decade. The interest rate never changes and you’ve made no withdrawals. Now, at the end of the 20 years, you withdraw all the money and have to pay taxes on your earnings (not the contributions). With taxes having risen to 50%, how much do you owe in taxes to the nearest dollar?