
With reference to the business model canvas and real world

Complete a 1500 word essay on one of the following topics. All essays should contain a minimum of 15 references (these must include the starter references listed for your topic). Chosen references will demonstrate your engagement with key academic concepts whilst also showing he ability to source reputable industry based information relating to your chosen case study (examples). References should follow Harvard reference style.

Topic 1: All good business model will have a clearly delineated customer segment(s) and will seek to communicate a value proposition directly to those consumers. With reference to the Business Model Canvas and real world business of your choice please examine one good and one bad example of a value proposition of a product (or service) and discuss in your examples why an appropriate customer segmentation is essential for a good value proposition.

Topic 2: "The legal regulation of business is a necessary evil in the Australian business environment". Discuss the arguments for and against this statement using examples of where the law has enhanced and hindered business.

Chosen references will demonstrate your engagement with key academic concepts whilst

Starter References - do not have to make these readings the focus of your essay or necessarily agree with the arguements from these writers. While they must be referenced in your essay how you use them is up to you.

Topic 1: Lindic, J., & Marques da Silva, C. (2011). Value proposition as a catalyst for a customer focused innovation. Management Decision, 49(10), 1694-1708.

Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2013). Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons.

Topic 2: Custom Publication (2013) Integrating Business Perspectives 3e, Mcgraw-Hill.

Chapter TBC Barron, M (2015) Fundamentals of Business Law, McGraw-Hill, Edition 1. - Chapters 1-3.

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Business Management: With reference to the business model canvas and real world
Reference No:- TGS01377673

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