
With minorities expected to become the majority in the us

TOPIC: With minorities expected to become the majority in the US is now the time to stop multicultural marketing?

1. CONTENT: Your project should include both of the following components: It is my belief that the better projects will incorporate both in a seamless manner. Excellent work will be rewarded in any event.

· Prepare a literature review of articles that discuss the topic that you are interested in. A literature review reports on what other authors have to say about a particular topic. AND/OR

· Report on some secondary data relating to your topic (i.e., Statistical data from Washington D.C., etc.)

2. SOURCES: Sources for this project may include books, journal articles, web sites, etc.

· The databases most likely to provide journal articles that cover your topic are ABI-Inform and The Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, but the entirety of the Aladin data base set may be helpful. Check out other databases, such as government documents, which may be available through the Georgetown library since there may be other useful sources, depending on your topic.

FORMATTING REPORT: Your written report should be as professional as you can make it.

· The report must be typewritten and single-spaced with 1" margins on top, bottom, and both sides.

· 12 point Times-Roman type or similar font Cambria is good, Calibri isn't.

· List of references must be in APA format

· Leave a line between paragraphs.

· Maximum of 3 pages (marks deducted for exceeding the length limit).

· Pages must be numbered. (Do not number the cover page, start with the first page of meaningful text. You need not number the references or other additions)

· Your written project should be carefully proofread and edited.

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Marketing Research: With minorities expected to become the majority in the us
Reference No:- TGS02310933

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