For the CMOS amplifier in Fig. 13.1, whose equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 13.2, let Gm1 = 1 mA/V, R1 = 100 KΩ C1 = 0.1 pF, Gm2 = 2 mA/V, R2 = 50 kΩ, and C2 = 2 pF.
(a) Find the dc gain.
(b) Without CC connected, find the frequencies of the two poles in radians per second and sketch a Bode plot for the gain magnitude.
(c) With CC connected, find ωP2. Then find the value of CC that will result in a unity-gain frequency ωt at least two octaves below ωP2. For this value of CC, find ωP1 and Ωz and sketch a Bode plot for the gain magnitude.