
Wite the expressions for the rate law inserting the

Problem- 1) Write the expressions for the rate law, inserting the proper exponents (x and y) for the concentrations of H2O2 and I-

2) Are the exponents x and y integers or fractions?

3) Evaluate the specific rate constant, k, from the rate expression for each mixture at toom temperature, and the average results.

mixture 1

mixture 2

mixture 3


4) Discuss as quantitatively as possible the effect of changing temperatures on the rate of the reaction.

5) What percentage of H202 has been decomposed in mixture 1 when 20mL of 02 gas have been evolved? (assume 20 degrees C and 740 mm Hg pressure.)

I just need a general explanation of it please- Thanks!

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Chemistry: Wite the expressions for the rate law inserting the
Reference No:- TGS0954785

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