
Wite a book review of dowers book your review must

Write a book review of Dower'sbook(750-900 words). Your review must include a description of the organization and contents of the book, its thesis, and your critical evaluation of how successful Dower is in achieving his goals and in persuading you of the thesis. What are strengths and weaknesses of the book? In the review, you must demonstrate your familiarity of the contents. Support your analysis with evidence from the reading and give appropriate page references if you quote passages or cite ideas/information. Your review must have a creative/thoughtful title. It must have at least 750 words. Your review must avoid using collective terms such as "the Japanese" and "the Americans" unless you are quoting from the reading.

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History: Wite a book review of dowers book your review must
Reference No:- TGS0990876

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