
Wireless sensor networks a survey of cross-layer mac and

"Wireless Sensor Networks: A survey of cross-layer MAC and Routing protocols and their performance evaluation methodologies" It is a literature review topicRegardless of the topic chosen, you need to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the topic studied, including an evidence of your own original contribution. The evidence of originality can be in literature review and analysis/synthesis of research findings.1. After reading/reviewing 15-20 relevant recent papers (mainly academic journal/conference papers published in the last five years) on your chosen topic, identify the key researchers and their main contributions. You can use the following table to summarise your findings (Please note that if you do use the table below, it has to be incorporated in your report).

Table 1: Leading researchers and their main contributions in the field of ......

2. Provide a brief description of each of the main contributions you listed in Column 2 of the above summary table.

3. The above summary table is useful for finding research gaps. However, it does not reflect the analysis and/or synthesis of your research findings. You have to include analysis/synthesis in your report perhaps in a separate section.

Provide an analysis and synthesis of your research findings - follow the example survey papers.
Route Optimization in Network Mobility:Solutions, Classification, Comparison, and Future Research Directions

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Basic Statistics: Wireless sensor networks a survey of cross-layer mac and
Reference No:- TGS01243470

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