
Wireless multipath fading channels

Question 1: Describe various features in the CT2 standard for cordless telephone systems.

Question 2: What are the various parameters influencing wireless Multipath fading channels?

Question 3: What are the various kinds of small scale fading?

Question 4: Describe Ricean Distribution and Ricean parameter K.

Question 5: What do you mean by diversity? Describe Maximal Ratio Combining and Selective Diversity method.

Question 6: Write down different Practical Space Diversity Considerations?

Question 7: Describe different types of channels which are used in GSM.

Question 8: How the signal is processed in the GSM from speech input to speech output.

Question 9: Write a brief note on GSM explaining its architecture, features, services and various types of channels employed.

Question 10: Describe main features of the Bluetooth technology.

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Computer Networking: Wireless multipath fading channels
Reference No:- TGS07354

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