Wing design for a sports glider
- The justification of the aerofoil selection with appropriate data, based on tunnel work or computational analysis.
- Sizing of the wing in terms of total area, aspect ratio and span. This should include a detailed engineering drawing of the planform, with all dimensions shown.
- Analysis of the wing loading using only the tools available for the course and comparison of the obtained result with the ideal lift distribution.
- References used for the work including references to data and software.
- You should provide all data used for your design as well as sample outputs from codes.
- Hint: Try to use all tools available on the VITAL and compare results between codes, theory and experiments. Use spreadsheets to calculate the performance (glide slope, sink rate etc).
- Develop your own lifting line method as outlined in the class and compare against existing data and the methods available on VITAL.
- Investigate the wake configuration using the method outlined in class