
Windows server deployment

Windows Server Deployment Proposal
Prepare a proposal to deploy Windows Server onto an existing network, based on a provided scenario. The proposal will include deployment, security policy, application and data provisioning, monitoring, and continuity plans. For a more detailed project description, please see Course Documents.

All written papers and projects are required to be submitted to the Turn-it-In service, either by the student or the professor, to ensure that it is original work. Please see the Academic Policies section of the syllabus for more details about the Turn-it-In service.

Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Design and Accuracy 30 points
Design choices are explained and are reasonable.

Technical information is reasonably accurate.

Any specific technical information is based on research/textbook as appropriate.

Assumptions are identified/described.

The overall design is "unified" (limited inconsistencies).

Explanation of business/technical reasons for decisions provided

23 points
Design choices are justified.

Some technical information is missing.

Assumptions are not clear.

Design in not unified.

16 points
Design choices are limited.

Technical information is inappropriate.

Limited evidence business or technical decisions

9 points
Design choices are not justified.

Technical information is misrepresented.

Assumptions are not documented.

Topic Coverage (Level of Detail) 20 points
All of the topics are addressed to a reasonable depth.

The paper includes a sufficient level of technical detail.

Paper provides manpower/scheduling estimates

15 points
Some topics are missing and/or not explained properly.

Missing information on manpower estimates.

10 points
Topics are present but not explained properly.

Information in scheduling/manpower estimate is misrepresented.

5 points
Most topics are not present.

Chart for manpower and estimates is missing.

Organization, Quality, Grammar and Spelling 20 points
Submission is organized logically.

Ideas are presented coherently.

Writing style is appropriate.

There are very few errors in grammar or spelling
Paper has a couple misspellings and/or grammatical errors and/or is 1 or 2 pages outside the assigned length.

Paper has several misspellings and/or grammatical errors and/or is approximately 3 pages outside the assigned length.

Work has significant spelling errors and/or grammatical errors and/or is 4 or more pages outside the assigned length.

Paper Requirements
Formatting requirements met.

Paper length requirements met.

At least one diagram used.

Title page provided

Formatting is not proper but the length of the paper is met.

Diagram is present.

Title page provided.

Formatting is met but paper does not have adequate length.

Diagram is misrepresented.

Formatting requirements are not met.

Paper is does not meet length requirements.

No diagram is present.
Citation and Quotations
Any external sources were cited/quoted.

Citations and quotations used appropriately.

APA format followed properly for citations.

At least one non-textbook, non-LabSim, non-Wikipedia resource referenced

Student presents information in logical sequence which reader can follow.

There are at least 5 references, but they either lack variety or APA format is not followed.
Reader has difficulty following paper because student jumps around.

There are 3 or more references with perhaps some variety but APA format may not have been followed.
Sequence of information is difficult to follow and there are less than 3 references.

Overall Score Level 4
19 or more Level 3
14 or more Level 2
9 or more Level 1
0 or more

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Basic Computer Science: Windows server deployment
Reference No:- TGS0669407

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