An excel file is provided, with one year of wind speed data from Dunstaftnage, The site is considered for installation of a wind turbine. With this consideration in mind, analyse the available data to critically address the foaming topics and evaluate the suitability of the site for wild energy applications.
A. Wind variability: Show, using graphs as appropriate.
(i) the variation in the magnitude of monthly mean wind speed
(ii) the average defy variation in the magnitude of wind speed.
B. Wind speed distribution (annual): Find the annual distribution of the wind speed magnitude (the number of hours that each wild speeds occurs) as follows
(i) from the measured data and
(ii) using just an annual mean wind speed for the site and a suitable distribution (either the Rayleigh or the Weibull distribution).
Explain. briefly, how the graphs in (i) and (h) are generated. Compare and critically evaluate the results.
Having in mind all types of wind Whine applications. discuss your results a each one of the tasks A and B.
C. Wind turbine siting: You want to install a 50kW wind turbine at your site and you are considering the one with the specifications given in the pdf file provided with this assignment. Discuss the suitability of this wind turbine *or your site.
Assignment report (1500 to 2000 words. excluding references; bit size 11 or 12; One spacing 1.5.1 Your report should include (i) a brief introduction. 200 (±10%) wads. where you wil also include a desorption of the site and avalable data. 80 Three sections to adctress tasks 1-3 with the corresponding headings. (di) Conclusions.
Use references and, it necessary. appendices
Assessment criteria
1 Report structure & presentation. 20%
2 Introduction & conclusions 20%
3 Task A. Wind variability. 20 %
4. Task B. Wind speed distrbution. 20 % 5
Task C. Wind turbine siting. 20 %
Boyle, G.(ed.)(2012) Renewable Energy - Power for a sustainable Fame, ae edition, Oxford. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-B56451-1
Burial T., Jenkins N., Sharpe D. and Bossanyi E., (2011) Wind Energy Handbook. 2u edition. Chichesla, UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Kishore, V.V.H.(ed.) (2an) Renewable energy engineering and technology: principles and practice. London, Sterling. VA: Earthscen
MarrwelLJ.F., McGoman,J.G.. and Rogers. At (2010) Wind Enemy Explained: Theory. Design and Appicalion. 2ruedition, New Yak. Wiley
Srenson, B.(ed.)(2010) Renewable energy: Is physks, engineering. use. environment,' impacts. econornyand planning aspects. it edition, London_ Elsevier Academic
Attachment:- midas data 2011.xlsx