
Will this proposed solution meet the requirements would you

Please help me with the networking scenario below:

Wireless Solutions

Your company has just occupied an old historic building in which 15 employees will work. Due to historic building codes, the company is not permitted to run cables inside walls or ceilings.

However, employees must be able to share files and printers as in a typical LAN environment without the use of cables. Furthermore, employees must be able to use their laptops and move freely throughout the office while maintaining a network connection. Due to the size of some of the files employees frequently use, data transfer speeds should be over 20 Mbps.

Proposed solution: Install an 802.11a wireless access point and configure each computer and laptop with a wireless network card.

Will this proposed solution meet the requirements? Would you propose the same? Explain your answer.

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Operating System: Will this proposed solution meet the requirements would you
Reference No:- TGS01252022

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