
Will the length and intensity of a treatment experience

Paper needs to be at least 12 pages.

The paper must include the following components. Use proper headings and Subheadings, as per the current edition of APA guidelines.

1). Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose, Research Questions and Literature Review including:

· An introduction to the research topic including the background of your topic.

· A section about the significance of your topic and why it is important.

· The purpose of your study, problem statement and your research questions and/or hypotheses.

o Cite at least 5 references including a minimum of 3 empirical studies for your literature review.

o The research question being studied is "Does the intensity and length of a substance abuse program and the gender of the clinician impact the relapse potential of clients."

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the length and intensity of a day treatment program and an intensive outpatient program for patients with a severe substance use disorder (SUD).

This study will attempt to answer the following questions:

1) Will the length and intensity of a treatment experience decrease participants' relapse potential six months after treatment is completed?

2) Will the length of the program day affect how satisfied SUD clients' treatment experience?

3) Will the length of time in treatment effect if the client will maintain sobriety six months after the treatment experience is complete?

o Please complete a literature review on the above research questions.

2). Methods including:

· Design: A description of the design of your study covering each relevant aspect

o If you adopt a quantitative design, clearly identify the type of design (e.g., quasi-experimental); the primary constructs; and hypotheses to be tested. Justify why you chose this design.

· This writer chose to use a quantitative methodology because the writer is seeking the relationship between two treatment experiences.

The time, frequency and intensity of an intensive outpatient program and the time, frequency and intensity of the partial hospitalization program for clients with severe substance use disorders are being analyzed.

o The research design needed to be elaborated on is the cross-sectional survey

· A description of your proposed study's accessible population; sampling strategy; and the participants including the number, demographic information, setting, and other relevant information. Be sure this is consistent with the type of design.

· If you adopt the quantitative method, include a description of your intended instruments including sample questions, reliability measures, and types of measurement.

3). Limitations (1-2 pages) in which you discuss the limitations of your study in terms of participants, design, data collection, etc. This is a new contribution to your methods. Please refer to your textbook for examples of limitations.

· For Quantitative studies, limitations should be discussed in terms of threats to internal and external validity.

4). References-should be included in accordance with APA style.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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Dissertation: Will the length and intensity of a treatment experience
Reference No:- TGS02664689

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