Problem: Proposed solutions make sense
Widespread adoption of EMR and related technologies, applied correctly, could greatly improve healthcare in the US, while yielding significant savings. A range of policy options could be used to speed the development of EMR. Healthcare administrators need to begin preparing their staff for the inevitable technology upgrades that will take place in their practices. In an industry where there is less exposure to modern communication technology than most others, educational campaigns should be initiated. While this study examines the cost of EMR and the benefits of implementation through case studies, it does not address the need for one universal system. The benefits of one unified system or a series of interoperable systems will include better compliance from doctors due to less retraining and will provide consistent care and treatment of patients. Identification of which system or systems would be optimal is reserved for future study. Also worthy of further analysis is a global EMR system compatible with other countries and compliant with global standards. Need Online Assistance?