
Wide statement of activities under gasbs

Write True/False by providing appropriate reasons:

Problem 1. Program revenues and general revenues are not distinguished on the government-wide statement of activities under GASBS 34.

Problem 2. Fund equity of the General Fund at the end of the fiscal year is defined as the difference between its assets and its liabilities.

Problem 3. Interfund transfers and debt issue proceeds received by the General Fund would be recorded as other financing sources.

Problem 4. All purchases of goods and services by a General Fund and all interfund transfers are recorded as Expenditures.

Problem 5. GASBS 34 requires that a combined statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances?budget and actual be presented and that the statement include the General Fund, and major special revenue funds for which annual budgets have been legally adopted.

Problem 6. All decreases in fund financial resources, other than for repayment of fund liabilities, are termed "expenditures."

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Accounting Basics: Wide statement of activities under gasbs
Reference No:- TGS01934984

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