
Why your trace element is important for proper health and

Assignment: My trace element is Copper

This discussion requires that you understand trace elements. Go to "More Tools", "Groups", and "Trace elements". Select the trace element you wish to discuss. There are 5 elements to choose from, and only 5 persons per element will be allowed. Be sure to correctly identify a trace element which exists in tiny concentrations in the human body. By completing this essay, you will:

1. Define what trace elements are and provide details of your chosen trace element. This is the element you signed up for in the Groups "Trace Elements". Directions to the sign up are above. (MY TRACE ELEMENT IS COPPER)

2. Describe why your trace element is important for proper health and functioning of the body.

3. Explain any negative health effects that result from not having enough (deficiency) of that trace element.

4. Explain any negative health effects of having too much of that trace element.

*Be sure to respond to at least two other student's discussion posting and don't forget to cite your sources.

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Biology: Why your trace element is important for proper health and
Reference No:- TGS02250889

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