Why you think this marketing message is the correct message


It's critical to understand all the factors that make a customer a good candidate to buy your product. First take a look at this product, the new iphone X, cost: $1,000.

• Now, try to figure out who the IDEAL customer is for this product. Assess as many different factors as you can think of. Who are they? You can evaluate all of the following: race, gender, education level, income level, where do they live (urban vs rural), what motivates them? How many kids do you think they have? Figure out the perfect customer and tell me why these factors might influence them to buy the iphone X.

• Next, come up with a brief marketing pitch 2-3 sentences trying to persuade the target customer this phone is the perfect for him/her. Then discuss why you think this marketing message is the correct message for your specified target market in the above bullet.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: Why you think this marketing message is the correct message
Reference No:- TGS02983941

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