Use the suggested textbook to answer the following question; if you haye access to the recommended textbooksfreferences. search for the topics in Module in other textbooks or through the Internet.
• On June 1?. 201D. now U.S. President Joe Biden predicted the following. "More people are going to get jobs this summer." Howeyer. by August 2G1D. priyate-sectorjob growth fell by two-thirds. and unemployment rose to 9.8 percent in Noyember 2010.
• Answer the following questions:
o Despite the difficulty of making predictions. many people make confident assertions about what will happen in the future. Why do you think this happens?
o What errorfs] of perception or decision-making do you identify in such a prediction?
o Do you recall any predictions you have made that did not turn out as you expected?
o Why do you think it is so difficult to make accurate predictions?