
Why you feel that the variable you choose fits definition

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As discussed in class and in the syllabus, you are to use two an example from your own experience that illustrates the principles of classical conditioning. One of these examples should be an example where humans experience classical conditioning and the second example should be of animals display classical conditioning. It is important that you first outline the "story" of when, where, and how the experience occured and how how the behavior was conditioned. Secondly, you should list the elements that represent your US, CS, UR, and CR.

Things to remember:

a) In some cases the stimuli can be complex. Consequently, you can several USs, CSs, URs, and CRs. However, you need to identify at least one of each.

b) URs and CRs are reflexes. While they tend to be physiological, biological etc., they can include behaviors like a "Startle" response.

c) In some cases or scenerio, one element can fit more than one category or a different category. Be able to explain why you feel that the variable you choose fits the definition of a US, CS, UR or CR.

d) Behaviors that are not reflexive in nature are not URs or CRs. For example, if you condition a dog to salivate to the sound of a bell, the approach behavior (e.g. running to you or the food bowl) is not a reflex. This in fact is an operant behavior which we be the subject of discussion in our next paper.

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