
Why you believe that is a likely diagnosis

Assignment Task:

You are working in an ER and your next patient to see is a 47 year old female who began having trouble breathing 3 days ago. She felt like it has gotten a little worse today. It is worse when she lays back, and when she tries to take a deep breath, although she feels like it is hard to breathe in general. She denies chest pain, but does have some discomfort in her chest and radiating to the back. She denies any recent weight loss or gain. She is adopted so is uncertain whether she has any family history of medical problems. She smoked for 20 years, 1/2 pack per day, and quit 4 years ago when she got remarried. She did notice a slight headache yesterday, that is worse today. She noticed a little cough today as well with some sputum production. She was started one week ago on two new medications lisinopril and atorvastatin. She has a past medical history of GERD, depression, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. Her vitals and medications are listed below.

Vitals: P-113, RR-18, BP-113/83, O2-91% on room air, Temp-37.9, Weight 89.4kg, Height 66 inches.

Omeprazole 20mg PO Daily

Sertraline 100mg PO Daily

Chlorthalidone 25mg PO Daily

Atorvastatin 40mg PO Daily

Lisinopril 10mg PO Daily

Ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone 1 tablet PO Daily

Post in paragraph form your top four differential diagnosis and why you believe that is a likely diagnosis? You should have four paragraphs, one for each diagnosis.

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Reference No:- TGS03227466

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