Why you are making that specific argument

Question 1) What you are arguing and Question 2) why you are making that specific argument. You must include full paragraphs that each explain one idea completely. A good way to organize your paper would be to spend each paragraph fully explaining just one developmental disadvantage of the post-colonial GATT trade regime. Each paragraph should therefore clearly present the disadvantage that you wish to highlight before providing a full analysis, with evidence, of why exactly what you have highlighted counts as a disadvantage. Disadvantages can be structures, policies, GATT articles or policy conditions that you think represent developmental disadvantages for countries in the Global South, specifically in the post-GATT trade regime. These advantages can be found in the readings from last week. Please make sure that any disadvantages you reference are linked to the post-colonial GATT trade regime, and not from another historical period (marks will be deducted for referencing disadvantages from another context!).

Most responses to be between 2-3 double spaced pages.



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