Why would you use social media to promote your product

Promotion Discussion New Skin Care Product

For purposes of this discussion board, you are asked to assume that you are an account executive for an advertising agency, and you have been assigned to a new client, a manufacturer of a new Skin Care product. As you begin development of the creative strategy, you are considering different types of appeals: fear appeal, sex appeal, humorous appeal, and celebrity endorsement.

Your initial posting will likely consist of various paragraphs. Any outside sources that you use must be appropriately cited.

Your discussion should include:

1. A brief description of the product for which you are creating the advertising message, including the target market.

2. Which of the following creative strategies would you use and why? Fear appeal, sex appeal, humorous appeal, or celebrity endorsement?

3. Besides traditional advertising, would you use personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, or social media to promote your product? Why or why not?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: Why would you use social media to promote your product
Reference No:- TGS02953863

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