Read each case study carefully before beginning your work. Your response must be well thought-out and complete in content. Paraphrase your answers use proper references and citation. If there is a quote that can be put into your answer that will be a plus.
For this module, you are to:
1. Read Case 2, "Holtz Children's Hospital: Reducing Central Line Infections."
2. Respond to Assignment Questions 1, 2, and one additional question from those found at the end of the case.
Note: This case focuses on the complexities of making change happen in a hospital setting with many professions, locations, variables, and actors.
Textbooks:Improved Quality Methods
Sollecito, W. A. and Johnson, J. K. (2013). McLaughlin and Kaluzny's continuous quality improvement in health care (4th ed.). Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8154-5;
Case Found in Casebook End of Chapter-2
McLaughlin, C. P., Johnson, J. K, & Sollecito, W. A. (2012). Implementing continuous quality improvement in health care: A global casebook. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 978-07637-9536-8
Questions: Book must be used referenced and any other sources used has to be sited
1- Why would one question whether the well documented improvement efforts CA-BSI in adult ICU settings are transferrable to pediatric setting?
2- Why might some PICU staff members resist implementing the central line bundle its success elsewhere?
3- This case takes place in a resource -constrained environment. What approaches were used to overcome these limitations?