
Why would it be difficult to date an item that was 1000000

1. Change all of the trial numbers on your graph to years, based on one trial occurring every 5730 years (the half-life of Carbon14)

2. If the Atoms represent Carbon14 atoms, how long (in years) would it have taken for:

a.1/2 of the Carbon14 atoms to decay?

b. 90% of the Carbon14 atoms to decay?

Synthesis Questions:

3. You are a historian and discover a long lost scroll. You run some tests on this scroll and discover that 87.5% of the Carbon14 that was originally present has decayed. Use your graph to estimate how many years have passed since the scroll was created.

4. Why would it be difficult to date an item that was 1,000,000 years old using this technique?

5. Why would it be difficult to date an item that was only 12 years old using carbon dating?

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Dissertation: Why would it be difficult to date an item that was 1000000
Reference No:- TGS02652006

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