
Why would classical and renaissance images and themes


Statement of Purpose or "Why Am I Doing This?"

Both message and context are important when viewing public art; they will help you appreciate more than just the history the artwork represents. When you understand these concepts, you can view thecollective past on a deeper level. The events surrounding the creation and placement of public art say quite a bit about the art itself. Before beginning the American Art Project- Assignment, it is necessary to define what is meant by "message and context of a work of art." The message of art is more than just the subject matter of the painting or sculpture. Some works of art may portray one image, but when examined closely, convey a deeper meaning reflective of the period in which they were created.

Completing This Assignment:

• Click on the following link:

o https://www.aoc.gov/capitol-hill/murals/apotheosis-washington

o Look at the artwork presented and read the description of the figures presented.

o As you review the information, think about the following questions:

- Why would Classical and Renaissance images and themes appear in this type of space?
- What message isthe artist trying to send?

• Next, look at this resource on TheApotheosis of Washington:

o https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GPO-CDOC-103sdoc27/pdf/GPO-CDOC-103sdoc27-10-9.pdf
o Concentrate primarily on the text from the second column of p. 127 to the end.
o The text gives several clues as to why Brumidi created the image in the way he did, including the events of the Civil War and the beginning of Reconstruction.

• In your own words (50-75 words), define the term "historical context." If you use any outside sources, cite them in current Turabian format.

o Your final assignment will rely heavily on your understanding of this term. You will be scored for this assignment based on your definition of the term and your ability to communicate it clearly.

• Click on the following link and provide the historical context of this work of art:

o https://americanart.si.edu/collections/search/artwork/?id=4446

o This will provide your instructor with a baseline of your understanding of the concept of historical context and its application.

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History: Why would classical and renaissance images and themes
Reference No:- TGS01593673

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