
Why weather balloons be necessary to help predict weather


A. What is the difference between weather and climate?

B. How does wind happen?

C. How do clouds form? Apply Your Knowledge

D. Why would weather balloons be necessary to help predict weather? Why aren't ground-based stations sufficient?

E. What is Doppler radar? How is it different from other radar technologies?

F. What is the difference between warnings, watches, and advisories issued by the National Weather Service?

G. From what you know about the tilt of the Earth, why would it make sense to organize climate-types by latitude?

H. Under the Köppen climate classification system, which climate is predominate where you live? Name the climate classification and the location.

I. Since rain drops have a tendency to form around dust and debris in the air, what happens to the rain when the air contains pollutants?

J. Why would global warming change weather?

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Science: Why weather balloons be necessary to help predict weather
Reference No:- TGS03333801

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