Why we disagree about climate change

Assignment task: Help gather four more recent sources.

I have gathered these four and need help finding four more recent ones.

Hulme, M. (2009). Why We Disagree About Climate Change: Understanding Controversy, Inaction and Opportunity. Cambridge University Press.

Hulme's book explores the diverse ways in which climate change is interpreted and understood. He argues that it is a phenomenon that draws out our diverse values and beliefs. This source will be useful in discussing the complexities of labeling climate change as "evil" and the implications of such labeling.

Gardiner, S. M. (2011). A Perfect Moral Storm: The Ethical Tragedy of Climate Change. Oxford University Press.

Gardiner's work delves into the ethical dimensions of climate change. He refers to climate change as a "perfect moral storm" which could be interpreted as a form of "evil". This source will provide a philosophical perspective on the issue.

Norgaard, K. M. (2011). Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, and Everyday Life. MIT Press.

Norgaard's book examines the psychological and societal reasons for climate change denial. This source will be usefulin discussing the consequences of labeling climate change as "evil", as it may lead to denial and inaction.

Jamieson, D. (2014). Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed - and What It Means for Our Future. Oxford University Press.

Jamieson's book provides a comprehensive overview of the climate change debate and the reasons for our failure to address it. This source will be useful in discussing the challenges posed by the use of the term "evil" in relation toclimate change.

Thank you

This assignment requires an annotated bibliography entry for four or more scholarly articles, essays, documentaries, and books relevant to your topic.  A citation using the Modern Language Association format (see Owl Purdue or library resource guide)

 When choosing sources, it's essential to critically analyze them to ensure their credibility and the ethical use of rhetoric tactics. This commitment to ethical research practices will uphold the integrity of your work and the trust of your audience.  

TOPIC: Climate Change

Use your selected topic to explore the challenges and consequences the use of the term "evil" poses for us.

One of the greatest existential threats of our time is not invisible evil forces but the results of decade-long pollution and other environmental damage. NASA observes, "In the absence of major action to reduce emissions, global temperature is on track to rise by an average of 6 °C (10.8 °F), according to the latest estimates." Some scientists argue a "global disaster" is already unfolding at the planet's poles; the Arctic, for example, may be ice-free at the end of the summer melt season within just a few years. Yet other experts are concerned about Earth passing one or more "tipping points" - abrupt, perhaps irreversible changes that tip our climate into a new state" (Is It Too Late to Prevent Climate Change? par 2).


This project allows you to reflect on the complexities of using the term evil in the 21st century. While it is easy to apply the label evil, we should look beneath the surface to see what is obscured or perpetuated when the label is used.

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Science: Why we disagree about climate change
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