Assignment Task: Watch the video and respond on the basis of that.
YouTube Video: Becoming Human (Episode 1) - First Steps
Q1. Why is the Rift Valley a good place to search for fossils?
Q2. What primitive pre-human species do we believe baby Salam is from?
Q3. What did "Lucy's" bones tell us about how A. afarensis walked?
Q4. Why was walking upright evolutionarily advantageous, or how did it increase our evolutionary fitness? In other words, why did we start walking upright on two feet?
Q5. What "jump started" human evolution in brain size and mental capacity?
Q6. The traditional idea of human evolution was that a human ancestral species came from the forests on the African grassy plains. However, the more evidence the data collected this idea of the driving force of human evolution is changing. What does the evidence now suggest may have been a driving force in human evolution?