
Why was the study conducted


Why was the study conducted?

Please type your answer here, replacing this text with at least one complete paragraph (60-100 words on average). Describe the topic under investigation, the main theory or theories that are discussed, and how this particular study adds to what we know in Psychology. Be sure to use correct grammar and punctuation, to put ideas in your own words, and to use documented quotations only when you cannot find a way to put things in your own words when responding to each of the six questions.

What sort of predictions did the authors make about this study?

Please type your answer here, replacing this text with at least one complete paragraph (60-100 words on average). Describe the hypotheses of the research study or specific predictions made by the authors.


Who were the participants and how were they selected?

Please type your answer here, replacing this text with at least one complete paragraph (60-100 words on average). Describe who the participants of the study were, how many participants were chosen, and why the participants were chosen.

What was actually done to study the topic and why?

Please type your answer here, replacing this text with at least one complete paragraph (60-100 words on average). Summarize the basic procedures and materials used to study the participants. Provide enough information to make it clear what was done in the study to test the hypotheses.

Results and Discussion

What were the main findings of the study?

Please type your answer here, replacing this text with at least one complete paragraph (60-100 words on average). The Results of a study can be very technical, so provide a readable summary of the findings; it is usually helpful to describe the results in relation to the hypotheses of the study.

Why are the results of this study important?

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Reference No:- TGS01613802

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