
Why was the first ct scan negative

Assignment task:

B.W. is a 72-year-old white woman admitted 2 days ago to the medical unit with a stroke. She has left-sided hemiparesis. A noncontrast computed tomography (CT) scan, about 2 hours after the onset of symptoms, was negative. Magnetic resonance imaging, 12 hours later, was positive for an ischemic area in the right hemisphere. Objective Data Physical Examination Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation Decreased sensation in left lower extremity, no sensation in left upper extremity, normal sensation to right upper and lower extremity 0/5 strength left upper extremity, 1+/5 left lower extremity, 5/5 right upper and lower extremity Left facial droop Slurred speech Diagnostic Studies A barium swallow study has been ordered for 1:00 PM Subjective Data Daughter is at the bedside. She is upset and tearful, stating: "Mom doesn't know where she is and she keeps waving her arm at me and getting upset, trying to tell me something, and I don't know what she is trying to tell me." Questions to copy into your post and then answer: Why was the first CT scan negative? What implication did this have on B.W.'s care? What is the difference between an ischemic and a hemorrhagic stroke?

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Other Subject: Why was the first ct scan negative
Reference No:- TGS03440058

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