Why was the accident caused by padmas inattention

Business Problem

While driving on Interstate 40 in North Carolina, Padma became distracted by a texting system in the cab of his tractor-trailer truck. He smashed into several vehicles that were slowed or stopped in front of him, injuring Barbara and Michael Kaiser and others. The injured motorists filed a suit in a federal district court against Geologic Solutions, Inc., the maker of the texting system, alleging product liability.

• Was the accident caused by Padma's inattention?

• Was the texting device defective?

• Did the manufacturer owed a duty to care because injuries to vehicle drivers were reasonably foreseeable? Why or why not?

• Should a manufacturer be required to design a product that is incapable of distracting a driver? (Justify your decision by reasoning legally and ethically)

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: Why was the accident caused by padmas inattention
Reference No:- TGS03096407

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