
Why was mr kumar nidhi reluctant to undergo training

Case Detail : Mr. Kumar Nidhi has been working as a manager (Credit Appraisal) in State Bank of Mysore since, 1990. He got first rank in his M.A. from Karnataka University in 1989. He rose from Officer-Grade IV to Officer-Grade I in a short span of 10 years. Personnel records of the bank shows that he is an efficient manager in Agricultural Credit, Industrial Credit and Credit to small business etc. The bank is planning to computerise the project appraisal department. In this connection, Mr. Kumar Nidhi was asked to take training in computer operations. But he was quite reluctant to undergo training.

1. Why was Mr. Kumar Nidhi reluctant to undergo training? Discuss.

2. What is job rotation?

3. What are the determinants of learning from this case?

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Physics: Why was mr kumar nidhi reluctant to undergo training
Reference No:- TGS02297761

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