i. Some historians argue that instead of World Wars I and II, we should think of the period as one very long war. Why might they argue this? In other words, explain the connection between the World Wars and some of the events that occurred in between that disprove the notion we were ever at peace.
ii. Why was Japan in a good position to become a regional power shortly after the first world war? What steps did they take to fulfil this ambition?
iii. A number of arguments could be made for why Germany was defeated in WWII. Choose 2 and explain why they were key factors for victory/defeat.
iv. Europe had the Marshall Plan; Africa had neo-imperialism. Explain how the Cold War influenced both.
v. Decolonization was a major social movement across the 3rd World. Some would call it revolutionary. Explain the competing theories of social movements: Collective Behaviour vs Resource Mobilization/Political Opportunity. Which theory better describes decolonization in places like India and other former British colonies? Why?