
Why was jamestown the first successful english colony in


Mesoamerica              the Bering Strait                          Clovis blades


mammoth                    mastodon                                      The Ice Age


Archaic Period           Poverty Point                               the Anasazi


Cahokia                       Mississippian Culture                Tenochtitlan           


Leif Eriksson              Prince Henry the Navigator      Martin Luther


Christopher Columbus     San Salvador                       conquistadores      Ferdinand Magellan            John Cabot                          encomienda


Henry VIII                     Giovanni da Verrazano              the Incas


John Calvin                         Hernan Cortes                                the Aztecs


Francisco Pizarro      Sir Francis Drake                        La Salle


Vasco Nunez de Balboa   Henry Hudson                    Adena Culture


Juan Ponce de Leon         Francisco de Coronado   Hernando de Soto    the Spice Trade               Paleolithic revolution        Jacques Cartier         Columbian Exchange    Treaty of Tordesillas   maize


Neolithic revolution           The Hohokam                     Brazil

Hopewell Culture               Requerimiento                    Aztalan

How and when did the first humans arrive in the Americas? How did they survive in a very hostile environment?

What role did the cultivation of corn play in the cultural development of the original Americans?

What impact did the arrival of Europeans have on the Native Americans in the New World?

Where there differences in the attitudes and policies of the Spanish, French, and English towards the Native Americans?

What were the factors that contributed to the discovery and exploration of America?

Which European has the strongest claim for reaching America prior to Christopher Columbus? Why didn't this earlier explorer's discovery lead to a permanent European presence in America while Columbus's discovery did?

What was the purpose of Christopher Columbus' voyage, and what miscalculations did he make in his theory for traveling to the Far East?

How did America get its name?


Sir Walter Raleigh               Sir Humphrey Gilbert                      John Smith

Jamestown                            London Company                          Separatists Mayflower Compact                 George Calvert                                 Harvard

William Penn                        St. Augustine                                    Puritans        

Roger Williams                     Anne Hutchinson                Pocahontas William Bradford            Opechancanough               Squanto        

Plymouth Company            James Oglethorpe                           Quakers        

Proprietary Colony               New Amsterdam                               Pilgrims

Act of Toleration                   headright                                           tobacco

John Winthrop                     Salem Witch Trials                           rice

Indenture System                House of Burgesses                       indigo

            Elizabeth I                             Sir Francis Drake                             The Armada

            Martin Frobisher                   Richard Hakluyt                               Philip II

            Royal Colonies                    New Sweden                                   John Rolfe

            James I                                  The Protestant Reformation           Powhatan

            Peter Minuit                          The Anglican Church                     Charles I        Joint Stock Companies            predestination                                 Roanoke                    The Triangular Trade                                 

How did the Protestant Reformation influence the English effort to establish colonies in America?

How did the English colonial system differ from those of France and Spain?

What were the differences in the founding, development, and characteristics of the Southern, New England, and Middle Colonies that constituted the thirteen English colonies along the Atlantic seaboard?

Why was Jamestown the first successful English colony in North America?

How did Massachusetts serve as the mother colony for the other New England colonies?

What were the methods employed by the colonists to obtain laborers to work in America?

How and why was slavery introduced in England's North American colonies?

Why did the Salem Witch Trials occur, and what were their results?

What were the unique factors that led to the founding of Georgia, the last of the English colonies to be established?

How did the English colonies deal with the issue of religious freedom?

What were the functions of the colonial assemblies during the colonial era?

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History: Why was jamestown the first successful english colony in
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