Why verbal and written communication is important

Q1. Discuss why verbal and written communication is important to project success, and describe several ways of enhancing such communication.

Q2. Why are listening skills important in effective communication? How can you improve your listening skills?

Q3. For the next few days, observe the body language of the people with whom you communicate. Describe some of the positive and negative things they do.

Q4. Discuss why it is important to be sensitive to the diverse composition of a project team, especially with regard to communication.

Q5. List 10 best practices (do s and don ts) for electronic communication etiquette in a business environment.

Q6. What is the purpose of status review meetings? When should they be con-ducted? What should be covered at such meetings?

Q7. Why are problem-solving meetings conducted? Who should call such meetings? Describe the approach that should be followed.

Q8. What should be done before a meeting to properly prepare for the meeting? What should be done during a meeting to ensure that the meeting will be effective? Describe how personal computers, cell phones, tablets, and other technologies could help or hinder meeting effectiveness.

Q9. If you were asked to advise someone on how to prepare for?

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Reference No:- TGS03403028

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