
Why the project is important


This form is in addition to the standard Workplace Learning Form which you must complete and does not replace it!

There are three parts to this form: Introduction, Materials & Methods, and Finalizing.


Instructions: Much like the Introduction to a primarily published literature article, your introduction should describe to the reader what the problem your WKPL experience project is attempting to solve. For example, you could say "We will sequence the 16S genes from 100 species and use the sequences to construct a multiple sequence alignment. From that, we will determine the phylogenetic relationship between the 100 species." Additionally, your introduction should explain to the user WHY this is important (e.g., "The phylogenetic relationships will allow us to determine when pathogenicity was acquired"). Lastly, your introduction should have a brief background from the literature explaining what work has been done on this previously, or on similar studies - in other words, the research that your project is building upon.

a) Problem statement my project is going to address.
b) Why this project is important (to the company mission, the field, and science overall)?

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Biology: Why the project is important
Reference No:- TGS03331002

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