
Why the johannine literature is important to a student

Problem 1.) Drawing on the entire New Testament, make a list of five names and titles used to identify Jesus. Discuss the meaning of each name or title, the person(s) using it, and the place in the New Testament where you found the usage. Discuss how the title helped to explain some aspect of Jesus' character or role and why that would be attractive to the audience of the writer. After you finish doing this, choose two names or titles that you find to be most helpful or impactful to you. Explain why you chose these names or titles and what significance they have to you personally.

Problem 2.) Having studied and read about the expansion of the early Christian church and movement, discuss the factors (personal, religious, political, etc.) which contributed to its spread. What are the most important factors that you have discovered throughout this study? Do not just list, but explain why you chose the people, events, or cultural issues that helped Christianity spread through the Roman world.

Problem 3.) Explain why the Johannine literature is important to a student of the New Testament.

Problem 4.) Discuss the New Testament assertion of Jesus as "God the Son." What are the implications? How did Jesus and His followers communicate this unique relationship between "God the Father" and "God the Son"? Explore, specifically, both the incarnation and the attributes of God in Christ. Draw specific textual support from John 1, Philippians 2, Colossians 1, and other New Testament reading, and from all previous assignments.

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