
Why the java is called platform independent

Why the Java is called platform independent? Discuss.
2. What are the two most important benefits of the Java language?
3. List out the type of errors occurred in java program.
4. What do you meant by pseudo code? Give example.
5. Define accessor and mutator methods.
6. What is Applet? Discuss about Applet.
7. Define Encapsulation?
8. What do you meant by garbage collector?
P1. Write a simple java program which explains the process of Bank. The program must
contain the following components: (Give reference of the following in the program)
1. Comments 2. Importing few java packages 3. At least two classes. 4. At least includes
two access specifiers 5. Constructors 6. Instance variables 7.Instance of classes 8. Iimplicit
parameters 9. Explicit parameters
P2. In the 2- dimensional plane, a circle is described by two coordinates x and y of its
center and a radius. It supports these operations:
! A constructor allowing initialization of its data
! Accessors and mutators to its data
! Translation of a circle
1. Propose a java class, called MyCircle that corresponds to such an abstraction of circles
in dimensional plane
2. Provide a tester class that creates one circle, then
! translates it and displays its new data
! doubles the radius of the new circles and displays its new data

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JAVA Programming: Why the java is called platform independent
Reference No:- TGS0928427

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