
Why the future will need people with both excellent

Essay or Video script: 1,100 words - 1,300 words

This task relates to the concepts and information contained in the first six weekly lessons. While you will be studying more technically specific concepts in your other courses, the concepts in this course such as audience, context, the use of appropriate mediums, writing and speaking clearly, referencing and research are useful across all your studies.

Your assignment is to complete ONE of the following tasks (A or B):

(A) Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1. Why developing digital game-playing skills is an advantage for jobs involving hand-eye coordination, with specific reference to flight simulation/warcraft games. Assume this essay will be read by the CEO of a digital games design company.


2. Why the future will need people with both excellent technical and communication skills. Assume this essay will be read by the CEO of a telecommunication organisation.


(B) Write a 5-minute video script based on one of the following scenarios:

1. You are giving a Tedx talk on the use of interactive games as training for defence personnel. Assume your audience contains several game designers.


2. You are addressing a high school graduation ceremony on the topic of communication in the future. Assume your audience contains a balance of gender.

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Dissertation: Why the future will need people with both excellent
Reference No:- TGS01252671

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