
Why some people commit white-collar crimes


Answer the following question:

Impunity and white-collar crime

How might impunity relate to why some people commit white-collar crimes? "Impunity" involves insulation from punishment. The International Justice Research Center website might give you some interesting specific cases where impunity and state crimes seem intertwined.

Consider the perhaps special relationship between impunity and crimes against humanity and other state crimes (e.g., Nazis' final solution, My Lai, Love Canal). More specifically,

(A) How might white-collar offenders' greater resources (e.g., money, connections) influence the criminal justice system's response to their law breaking, and

(B) how might knowledge of (A) influence someone's decision whether or not to commit a white-collar crime?

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Business Law and Ethics: Why some people commit white-collar crimes
Reference No:- TGS02057118

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