
Why should you avoid using double negative


Practice Test in English Grammar

Multiple Choice Questions in English Grammar

1) Why should you avoid using double negative?
A)you should never use the word ain't in your essays (B) double negatives are acceptable in isolated instance for emphasis (C) double negative are grammatically incorrect (D) double negatives often yield sentence with indefinite pronouns, which are hare to understand

2) What can you do to improve sentence variety?
A) combine two independent clauses to make one longer sentence (B) remove all punctuation marks (C) join two dependent clause (D) join two predicates when they have different subjects

3) The possessive form shows what?
A) the relationship of a dependents clause (B) ownership (C) more that one of the items is present (D) intensity of the word

4) Which of the following is one complication to remember when finding the sentence subject?
A)subject can never be implied (B) subject can never be pronouns (C) subject are never found within prepositional phrases (D) subject may be buried among the words of a sentence

5) A word that starts an adverb clause is _____
A) weather (B) wherefore (C) whether (D) whittle

6) A compound sentence is characterized by what?
A) at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause (B)at least two independent clause and at least one dependent clause(C) one independent clause (D) two or more independent clause

7) In a series, if one or more of the items have a commas, ______ should be used between the items.
A) periods (B) commas (C) dashes (D) semicolons

8) The correct example of a compound word in the possessive form is what?
A) sister's-in-law birthday (B) sister-in's -law (C) sister-in-law birthday (D) sisters'-in-law

9) In what instance should you use a semicolon?
A) between long items in a series (B) after the last word before a direct quote (D) between a dependent clause and a phrase

10) A colon is used in which instance?
A) to announce a quotation that follows an independent clause (B) between items in a series (C) between a dependent clause and a phrase(D) Between a date and a year

11) If you want to remove words and phrase from borrowed material you're quoting, what do you do?
A) you should not remove words and phrase from quotes: you should always use the entire quote(B) you insert an ellipsis to represent the omitted material(C)use dashes to represent the omitted material(D) insert brackets around the entire quotes to let the reader know that information in the quote was altered

12) Use a hyphen in which example below.
A) whenever you use the prefix anti (B) whenever you use the prefix pro (C) between a formal title and someone's first name(D) whenever you use the prefix ex

13) Which of the following is one way to use a period?
A) to divide a one syllable word at the end of a line(B) to end a direct question (C) use periods with all abbreviation (D) to end a mild command

14) Which of the following is one way to use a dash?
A) to signal that words have been removed from a quoted sentence(B) to indicate the end of a line of poetry when you quote several lines of a poem (C) to divide a one syllable word at the end of the line (D) to signal a sudden break in thought

15) Which of the following items should not be underlined or italicized?
A) book titles (B) words being emphasized (C) titles of your own papers (D) letters used as example or term

16) What of the following is a reason to avoid pretentious language?
A) it forms sentence that are too naïve (B) it can amuse your audience (C) it can confuse your audience (D) it is inaccurate

17) What is meant by tone in your writing?
A) It relate to borrowed information (B) it relate to punctuation (C) it relates to the writer's attitude toward the subject and audience

18) What is an important guideline for academic writing in America?
A) If you borrow information from sources in other languages, there's no need to cite it (B) you must cite information from source written in other languages (C) you should avoid information from sources written in other languages (D) you should avoid information written in other languages, since it's pointless to borrow from source in languages other than English

19) Which of the following is a noncount noun?
A) chair (B) cat (C) apple (D) air

20) What word does the adverb describes in the following sentence?
A) work (B) morning (C) Rob (D) walks

21) What is the meaning of the phrase, "She has two left feet?"
A) she is not graceful (B) she is grateful (C) she is arrogant (D) she is sinister

22) Which of the following is a goal you may want to accomplish in a research project?
A) to cover many different issue (B) to analyze a specific issue (C) to pick something you wrote a paper on last year and just correct the errors (D) to formulate a thesis statement

23) Which of the following is one drawback to using the internet for research?
A) a great deal of what you find may be worthless or simply wrong because of the lack of control on monitoring on the Internet (B) you have to have an Internet connection available to you (C) using the internet is very expensive (D) the internet has viruses that attack your computer

24) Which of the following criteria is not relevant when evaluating the content of your source?
A) whether the facts seem accurate in light of the other research you've gathered (B) the strength of the accuracy of the facts (C) the number of quotes per page in the source (D) whether the topic is covered thoroughly and thorough fully

25) What should come after the text of your essay in an APA formatted paper?
A) appendixes (B) footnotes (C) tables (D) reference

26) Which of the following is correct when creating a resume?
A) emphasize what you want from the job (B) be general in your career objective (C) include the job title you seek and the skills that you can offer (D) do not include skill you can offer

27) Which of the following is a pitfall that students often make when writing about literature?
A) analyzing (B) writing a plot summary (C) including needed information (D) summarizing to support a point

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English: Why should you avoid using double negative
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