
Why should naria receive a probationary violation



Naria is a 51 year old Native American female who presents to Josh's human service practice for mental health services. She reports that she has been referred to his office from her local probation officer after receiving a domestic violence charge against her spouse. Regarding the incident, Naria reports that she became intoxicated on alcohol and prescription sleeping pills and became involved in a physical altercation with her live in boyfriend. After the fight became violent, she was arrested and ordered to complete 1 year of services for alcohol and sedative addiction. AS part of her services, she has signed a release of information authorizing him to discuss her services with her case manager as well as her probation officer, Ms. Jones.

During her most recent session, Naria reported that she would be attending a cultural ceremony for a few days where she would be able to participate and engage in cultural and spiritual activities and events for one week. She reports that she does not intend to break her sobriety and would like to continue her next session upon her return. Her probation officer reports that Naria has been inconsistent with her probation requirements and if she produced a positive drug screen, she will be considered to be in violation.

One week later, Naria returns and willingly provides a urine drug screen sample for her records. A few days later, her tests come back positive for Lysergic acid diethylamid (commonly known as LSD) a hallucinogen that she reports was used during some of her cultural rituals this past week. She elaborated by informing Josh that she and her members of her tribe use hallucinogens in order to predict the weather and other important life events. Josh inform Naria, that while she did use the substance for cultural purposes, LSD is an illegal substance that could possibly be considered a violation of her probation. Josh and Naria discuss these implications throughout the session during which Naria reports that she was unaware that LSD "would count." Visibly worried, Naria agrees to schedule to see him next week and awaits to see what will happen with her probation. Immediately after Naria's session, Ms. Jones calls and request to have the results of her most recent drug screen.


A. What diversity concerns arise in this scenario?

B. Considering the cultural usage of her illegal substance, in your opinion, should Naria receive a probationary violation? Why or why not?

C. What could Josh have done differently in order to assist Naria with making an informed choice regarding her LSD usage?

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Reference No:- TGS03267944

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