
Why should fit have a dress code what should it be does it

English Assignment: Nasta

Essay: If Sarah Palin is a Cunt, is it okay to say so? A Case Study in Free Speech

Was it appropriate and/or acceptable for an FIT student to wear a T-shirt to school on Election Day 2008 which said "Sarah Palin is a Cunt?"


Should a member of FIT's faculty or staff have intervened and corrected that student?


• 2-3 pages
• title, correct heading, pg. #s
• You must incorporate at least one piece of relevant outside information from a credible source
• In-text citation(s) and a separate Work(s) Cited page
• You must address the following question: Is the word cunt a gender slur? If it is, why wouldn't it be prohibited in the way racial, homophobic and religious slurs are?

In addition, you must address at least two of the following variables:

In loco parentis, Latin for "in the place of a parent" refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organization to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent. Should a college or university function in loco parentis in the way it manages its student population? Should FIT have functioned in loco parentis is correcting the student wearing the SP t-shirt?

It was Election Day and the student was expressing her political beliefs, which is the right and obligation of all citizens.

She was wearing the shirt at an institution of higher learning. Traditionally, American colleges and universities identify as places which value and encourage the free expression of ideas.

Is the shirt less offensive because it was worn by a female?

Sarah Palin was/is a public figure and politician. Public scrutiny and criticism are part of what makes someone a "public figure."

"Appropriate" and "acceptable" are abstract adjectives which imply that there is a standard to be met which would determine appropriate-ness or acceptability. Who decides what's appropriate and/or acceptable?

She was wearing the shirt in an environment which can be considered "liberal." In other words, most people probably agreed with her dislike of Sarah Palin.

Cultural norms vary regarding the offensiveness of the word "cunt." It's considered highly offensive in American culture, but not so much in other cultures (Ireland, Australia for example).

Does it matter that the student's criticism of SP was written, as opposed to spoken?

Does it matter that the student was wearing the shirt in a place populated by mostly women?

Should FIT have a dress code? What should it be?

Hate speech codes punish people for using language considered offensive to minorities or marginalized groups. It is a controversial strategy because of concerns about limiting free speech. The category of people protected by hate speech (and hate crime) regulation does not include women. Should it? Are hate speech codes a good idea? Did the student's t-shirt constitute hate speech?

Would restricting the student's right to wear this shirt have violated her First Amendment (freedom of speech) rights? Research the First Amendment if you choose this variable.

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Other Subject: Why should fit have a dress code what should it be does it
Reference No:- TGS02774383

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