1. Perceptual bias can result from the tendenay of people to rely on the use of stereotypes
2. As a managor, it is important that you judge your workers based on your expecetation
3. How people make judgments about what other are like is know as the attribution process.
4. Persons high in Machiavellianism seek to manipulate others in a ruthless manner
5. Men tend to be less direot than women in their general communication style.
6. Teamwork is the practice of employees working in quality circles.
7. Mode of dress is a form of nonverbal communication.
Essay Questions: Answer only three questions and use the back side of the page if you need more space. If you answer more than three questions, only the first three questions will be read and corrected. So make sure you follow the directions, (each answer is worth up to 11 points)
Why should companies care about culture shook with new employees? How can they reduce it?