Why retailer introduce online stores country by country

Assignment task:

Together with the core International Marketing concepts that you have learned in the course, all the information you need is in the case. You can read other sources for background but there is no need to create a bibliography. This is "your' analysis - I am not interested in someone else's thinking and opinions. This case is about the international fashion industry. It also well demonstrates one of the fundamental problems in retailing - while first mover advantage with respect to innovative strategies in the industry can bring much success, competitors soon imitate. Resting on one's laurels simply doesn't work in today's globally competitive marketplace.

The questions for your consideration are: (Note: these are the question to consider NOT the ones at the end of the case)

1. What are the ways that Inditex ensures that "fast fashion" is truly fast?

2. Why would a retailer introduce their online stores country by country?

3. Why was Inditex slow to embrace online sales when they are so tech-savvy in other ways?

4. Briefly describe two opportunities, that you think, would provide Zara with continued growth over the next 3 years? Why?

5. In light of the pandemic and the required shift away from retail stores do you think Zara was ready for a rapidly growing online retail world? Briefly discuss?

You will be graded on the quality and correctness of your answers, English usage, clarity of thought and structure of your response.

 I encourage you to visit Zara's website and if you can access the NYT's article (link below) you can read it for further background (not required).

Zara International

From The New York Times:

How Zara Grew Into the World's Largest Fashion Retailer

From an unfashionable corner of economically disheveled Spain, Zara has conquered the "fast fashion" market by learning a new way to understand shoppers all over the world.

Good luck

Case: Case Study - Zara

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Marketing Management: Why retailer introduce online stores country by country
Reference No:- TGS03381164

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