
Why quality of education is decreasing in america


Activity requires that you initiate steps to obtain project data that will allow you to validate a hypothesis of your choosing. Depending on your hypothesis, data may be publicly available. As your complete this activity, make sure that you check free online resources such as the census information or other free online sources of data.

Once you identified the data that you will use to prove your hypothesis write an overview explaining the data that you will be using. Please include responses to the following questions in a 1-2 page paper:

Where did you find the data to support your hypothesis? (Cite, at least, 5 sources)

How many records were available to substantiate your hypothesis?Explain how found these records.

Identify any concerns regarding the quality or reliability of the data.

Hypothesis: Quality of education is decreasing in America

Foreign students from the developing and the underdeveloped countries have always travelled to the developed countries especially Europe and America in most cases to further their studies that is they always travel in search of higher education degree, masters and Phds. Most students have always proffered America because despite the high cost, the quality of education has always been high and marketable everywhere in the world. A decrease in the quality of education is likely not to affect only America but also the rest of the world. If there are any claims that the quality of education in America is decreasing then it is important to research on the issue and come up with the appropriate strategies that will help restore the image of American's education system.

A research conducted in 2008 revealed that America is the only developed country in which the percentage of those with high school degrees is higher among adults between the ages 55 and 64 old than among the youths between the ages 25 and 34 years (Orfield, 2008). What this means is that fewer and fewer Americans are acquiring college degrees and only those who had acquired it earlier stand to be counted as the majority. In the 70s about 30 percent of all college graduates were American but today the number has reduced to 20percent of all college graduates in the world. A small number of Americans are earning degrees in the critical areas as very few of them are prepared to study in those fields.

The problem of decreasing education quality in America can be solved by a thorough check and repair in the American educational system. Students need to be motivated to focus on education and to have their degrees in the various fields and teachers should also be professionals who have qualified to teach at the different levels of education (Trends, 2013). The state's educational curriculum should also be revised to keep it up to date with the current advancements. These measures will help ensure that the quality of America's education is restored and maintained.

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