
Why post-service care has always been lacking

Question: Write a response to this discussion post: Throughout my healthcare career, I have always wanted to work for the VA and work to help my fellow veterans. While this has not happened yet, it is still a medical field I feel passionate about. In my opinion, post-service care has always been lacking, specifically in the mental health area. I would enjoy providing a proactive, not reactive, mobile health unit for vets. VA facilities are primarily located in larger cities throughout the United States, leaving outlying and rural veterans struggling to commute or seek care. Providing proactive care could help reduce some of the horrible outcomes our veterans are currently facing. In addition, providing a face-to-face visit instead of telehealth for personal touch and additional assessments that cannot be completed electronically would allow the medical team to better care for our veterans and provide transportation to the closest VA medical facility if the in-person assessment warrants it.

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Reference No:- TGS03423088

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